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5 Signs That a Man Likes You

5 Signs That a Man Likes You

At SilverSingles, many of our members have been out of the dating pool for a few years or longer. Some just don’t feel like they know what they’re doing anymore. SilverSingles is the premier dating site and app for single people over 50.

If you feel like you’re a little rusty, our unique dating app is the ideal way to meet men who are looking for the same type of relationship that you are. If you do find a man you’re compatible with, though, how do you know that he likes you?

Our members and dating experts have collaborated to give you a list of five signs a man likes you. If you’ve been asking yourself that gnawing question, “does he like me,” read on to gain a better understanding.

What are the Differences in Dating a Mature Man?

Depending on where you are in life, you may not have dated a mature man in a while. Here are a few of the main things to remember when dating a guy who’s over 50.

They’re Direct — Sometimes to the Point of Bluntness

Men of a certain age have learned that beating around the bush doesn’t often succeed. Some will overcompensate, so be ready to be asked out without much preamble.

They’re More Secure

Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone, but on average, older men have their acts together with regard to career, family, homelife, etc. This makes them all that more eligible to date.

They Can Balance Life

If you’ve ever found yourself competing for your partner’s time, try dating an older man. They are often much better able to balance between romance, work, and other life obligations.

They Often Prefer Talking to Texting

Because older men can remember a time when everything wasn’t so digital, they often prefer talking on the phone to text messaging. If you’re a talker, date a man over 50.

Our Five Signs that a Man is Into You

These are five proven signs that a man is into you. If you don’t see all five, he may still like you, but if you do recognize all of them, he’s on the hook.

1. Knowing How to Read a Man’s Body Language

Learning what certain gestures and positions mean is a “free lunch” when it comes to dating. You can learn a lot about a man by the way he sits, how he holds his head, and where his hands go when he’s talking to you. Here are some things to watch for:

  • Eye Contact – Is he interested in you and what you’re saying?
  • Checking Your Body – If he’s interested, he will look you up and down.
  • He Leans Into You – This could be when he’s talking or listening.
  • He Flexes When You’re Watching Him – This won’t be obvious. Watch to see if he bends or straightens his arms rigidly.
  • He Stands Straighter – Men who are interested will unconsciously try to make themselves look taller.

2. Verbal Cues

You always want to listen to the manner in which a man speaks. Does he pause to consider his words? Is he trying to sound authoritative? Does he seem enthusiastic or passionate? These are all great signs if you’re trying to gauge interest.

Here are a few more signs you’re on the winning track:

  • When you’re in a group of people, he uses a softer tone when he speaks with you.
  • He apologizes when he misspeaks because he doesn’t want you to think poorly of him.
  • He uses polite words when asking you for something. In other words, he’s always on his best behavior.
  • He might slip in a big word that doesn’t exactly roll off of his tongue. He’s trying to impress you.
  • He uses an endearing name when he speaks to you, like “sweetheart,” “honey,” “beautiful,” etc. By the way, if you find these types of terms of endearment offensive, you may want to tread lightly if you also like the guy. There’s no better way to shut down the romance than chastizing him when he thinks he’s being sweet. You should speak up if it bothers you, but he is probably not intending to do harm.

3. Attentiveness

If there’s one critical sign that someone is into you, it’s the amount of attention they give you. If you are trying to get attention from a man, he might still like you, but you’re not his top priority. Men show attentiveness in many ways. Here are some of the most common:

  • He initiates contact via phone, text, or social media. A lot of men will send “good morning” and “goodnight” text messages.
  • He offers to help you with things. For instance, if you are going to the airport, he might offer you a ride. If you decline his help and you want to hold his interest, you can say something like, “I have a ride, but let’s catch up as soon as I’m back.”
  • He’s often inquiring about your plans. He may be looking for an opening to ask you out, or maybe he’s just genuinely interested in how you spend your time.

4. Consistent Communication

When people like you, they will communicate with you. Since a great deal of communication these days occurs over text or messaging apps, let’s talk about texting patterns first.


When it comes to texting, you’re looking for consistency and relevant content. For instance, increased texting may show growing interest, while if he tapers off, it could mean the opposite.

Also, does he respond quickly to your messages? If not, don’t get too worked up about it. He may be busy. What you’re looking for is whether or not it’s taking him longer and longer to respond. If he “forgets to text you back,” it could be a bad sign.

Phone Calls

After you have a few texts going back and forth, see which side of the communication has more words. If you’re sending full sentences and he’s responding with single words, you may want to back off. On the other hand, if you’re getting a lot of words, it’s a great signal.

Now, when it comes to phone calls, consider these factors:

  • Does he usually initiate the call, or is he more responsive?
  • Do you get his voicemail, or does he pick up?
  • Will he always call you back when he misses your call?
  • Does he always hang up first, or is it more of a 50-50 deal?

Social Media

If you’ve connected on social media, it can have clues as to whether or not your man of interest likes you:

  • Does he like or comment on your posts?
  • When you post a story, is he always one of your viewers?
  • Did he find your profile and send you a request? Admittedly, this can feel a little creepy, depending on the circumstances. However, social media sites will often suggest new contacts.

Dating Sites

If you connected on SilverSingles, you can tell when your love interest has visited your profile. In addition, our encrypted direct messages have read receipts, so you’ll know if he got your message or not.

5. Physical Touch

In a new relationship, certain types of touch may be inappropriate, particularly if one of you comes from a culture that prohibits this type of open display of attention. However, there are some casual touches that can indicate subtle interest. Here are a few of those:

  • You’ve graduated to hugging when you see each other. Most people don’t hug on the first meeting or two. If he’s advanced to hugging, then it might be because he likes you.
  • He touches your shoulder when talking to you. This might be disguised as a way of hearing you better. “Come a little closer so I can hear you better,” as he pulls you in.
  • He puts his hand on the small of your back to nudge you in a direction. For example, a server is walking by and instead of saying “behind you,” he initiates contact.
  • His handshake lingers. If you are newly acquainted, he might shake your hand. If he holds it while looking at you, you have an admirer.

We recognize that there are no one-size-fits-all rules for showing interest. It’s very possible to misread the signs. But if you pay attention, more often than not, when you see these signs, there’s a spark. Remember, SilverSingles is the number one online community for singles over 50 years of age. Sign up today for a fee or upgrade to a Premium account on the app.

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